The North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute (NDWRRI) was founded in 1965 by authority of Congress as one of the 54 Institutes throughout the nation and is administered through the United States Geological Survey. The Institute's office is located in the College of Engineering of North Dakota State University (NDSU) and reports to the NDSU Vice President of Research.
WRRA 104g funding announcementsThe FY24 WRRA 104g funding announcements were posted April 18, 2024.
Please notify Dr. Xinhua Jia at before May 10, 2024 if you plan to submit a proposal. Your full proposals are due by Monday, May 20, 2024 to NDWRRI in order to go through NDSU's Novelution system. |
Water Resources Certificate program launched
The water resources certificate is an interdisciplinary program for undergraduate students in their junior and senior years, focusing on water’s journey and impact to the environment. The certificate requires 12 credits across key areas in hydrology fundamentals, soil and water contaminants management, and technological advances in water management. The program aims to equip students with the skills to tackle water resources challenges effectively.
PFAS Conference Recap
All content from the 2024 ND PFAS conference is now availible.
NDWRRI Faculty Fellows
The ND Water Resources Research Institute has named four NDSU assistant professors as Faculty Fellows. These experts provide water research leadership and information to NDSU while providing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research-based solutions to water quality and water access problems for the state and the nation.